Katelyn Kaewpalug


Katelyn Kaewpalug


What is a victory?

Many will say it’s the chance to prove someone wrong and show that you deserve to play the sport God has placed them in. A victory is a small moment when you feel you are on top of the world. That feeling of knowing that all your hard work has paid off for that moment when you know you are at your peak.

A victory in the sports world is only seen for a moment. That moment is taken away by reality and the idea that you are not finished yet.

We see the significant victories where they are shown on a national level, but the little victories tell the story that isn’t at the forefront of the photo.

CBU Stunt is a sport with over 30 incredible athletes who work every day to strive for success. This season, CBU Stunt has won 19 games, played 450 routines, won 421 out of 450, and tied 24 out of 450. When it comes to their overall wins and losses since the start, CBU Stunt is 75-0. This team has worked day in and day out to make it so they are continuing to see these victories.

CBU Softball and Baseball are two teams on top of their game. With over 20+ games to be played in one season, both teams are working constantly to prove that they deserve their title. Each player has proven that they deserve to be on that field. The dedication that is shown every game proves that they are at the level of success that they deserve to be at.

The little victories are different with every athlete. Some may be going through an injury, and many have been working on perfecting a new routine. When you see a photo of success from an athlete, from now on, ask the story behind their Victory. Ask what it means now that they have met their goal.

Little victories make the big one worth all the blood, sweat, and tears these athletes have put in to make it to the ones they will forever remember.

Little Victory > Big Victory


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