Jenna Beekhuis


Jenna Beekhuis


Blue Tag, frames fashion as a fingerprint, exploring how Generation Z has turned thrifted fashion into layered reflections of identity. A blue tag markdown in thrifting is a hidden find or an unexpected steal. This project explores a rising generation’s ability to repurpose discounts into a stamp of individuality with much more value. Turning fashion editorial photography on its head, this body of work gives a stereotypically stuffy medium a brand-new context. Repurposing momentary trends into eclectic stylings, this project relies on unique young individuals and second-hand fashion. By making ordinary characters “larger than life,” the portraits swap perfection for the endearing feeling of modern nostalgia. A multilayered time capsule for both past and future generations, this body of work preserves an eclectic fashion wave for the generations to come. Mirroring the culture of thrifted fashion, the imagery takes on raw and filmy qualities to create timeless work. | @jennabeekhuis

2024 Annual