Austin Elliott


Austin Elliott


What inspires people to be outside and push themselves to their limits? “Backcountry,” a documentary project, is a photographic body of work covering athletes in different solo endurance sports, mountains, and the lifestyles they bring with them. It follows Austin Elliott through his split lifestyle, living between Anchorage, Alaska, and Riverside, California. The stark contrast of Alaskan summers, the warm Southern California sun, and the harsh Alaskan winter serve as a space for the constant presence of these sports in his life. Elliott documents both the physical action of the sport and lifestyle, including the gear and preparation of the sport. Whether a mountain runner navigating steep forest terrain or a backcountry skier hiking through avalanche terrain to ski powder, he captures the unique juxtaposition of finding peace in intense environments and pushing oneself to one body’s capabilities. | @austinelliottphoto

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