Austin Elliott


Austin Elliott


Intentionally Wes Anderson, is a project by photographer Austin Elliott. Wes Anderson is a filmmaker with a unique style of work that stands out amongst other filmmakers of his time. Beloved by many, many artists integrate his style of filmmaking into their work, such as Justin Bettman’s series Set In The Street and many of Quinn XCII’s album covers. Many people enjoy finding architecture and landscapes within the realm of the Wes Anderson style, inspiring Instagram accounts such as Wes Anderson World and Accidentally Wes Anderson, which have gotten so big that they have published books and had museum exhibits.

Elliott Shoots both digital and film to create a nostalgic effect that many of Andersn’s films have and creates a unique scene that leaves the viewer to interpret and fill in the blanks. Doing so, he allows the viewer to create their own scene or story inside their head. The images feature different uniquely crafted characters with different cues for the viewer’s imagination and creativity to use. This scene features a unique, nostalgic tone that takes heavy inspiration from Wes Anderson’s movies and style. | @austinelliottphoto

2023 Process + Practice