David Ardill


David Ardill


In Re-Perception, David Ardill creates moments through images that are rooted in reality but separated through fantasy. Rather than looking at objects and the world at face value, he takes ordinary and seemingly mundane elements and subtly repurposes them into something extravagant. Resembling a child’s imaginative ability to create anything out of nothing, he aims to achieve the same framework throughout his imagery. Photography is his way to connect with others, not only by connecting with an audience but also through the image-making process itself. While he is still driven by the result of the imagery, he embraces the process of collaboration as much as, if not more than the result. He takes his viewers with him through this process as he creates unique environments for each subject. His vision is to change the viewers’ perception of the world around them through the images he captures.

www.davidardill.com | @d_ardill

2022 Annual